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- S.R. Nersisyan, N.V. Tabiryan, D.M. Steeves, B.R. Kimball, “The principles of laser beam control with polarization gratings introduced as diffractive waveplates”, Proc. SPIE 7775, 77750U-1-10 (2010).
- S.R. Nersisyan, N.V. Tabiryan, D.M. Steeves, B. Kimball, “Optical Axis Gratings in Liquid Crystals and their use for Polarization insensitive optical switching”, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, 18 (1), 1–47 (2009).
- Uladzimir Hrozhyk, Sarik Nersisyan, Svetlana Serak, Nelson Tabiryan, Landa Hoke, Diane M. Steeves, and Brian R. Kimball, “Optical switching of liquid-crystal polarization gratings with nanosecond pulses”, Optics Letters, 34 (17), 2554-2556 (2009).
- Sarik R. Nersisyan, Nelson V. Tabiryan, Diane M. Steeves, and Brian R. Kimball, “Characterization of optically imprinted polarization gratings”, Appl. Optics 48 (21), 4062-4067 (2009).
- S.R. Nersisyan, N.V. Tabiryan, L. Hoke, D.M. Steeves, B. Kimball, “Polarization insensitive imaging through polarization gratings”, Optics Express, 17 (3), 1817-1830 (2009).
- S. Serak, N. Tabiryan, and B. Zeldovich, "High-efficiency 1.5 µm thick optical axis grating and its use for laser beam combining," Opt. Lett. 32, 169-171 ( 2007).
- H. Sarkissian, B. Zeldovich, N. Tabiryan, “Longitudinally modulated bandgap nematic structure”, JOSA B 23, 1712-1717, 2006.
- H. Sarkissian, S.V. Serak, N.V. Tabiryan, L.B. Glebov, V. Rotar, B.Ya. Zeldovich, “Polarization-controlled switching between diffraction orders in transverse-periodically aligned nematic liquid crystals”, Optics Letters 31 (15), 2248-2250 (2006).
- H. Sarkissian, B. Park, N. Tabirian, B.Ya. Zeldovich, “Periodically aligned liquid crystal: potential application for projection displays”, Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst., 451, 1-19 (2006).
- H. Sarkissian, N. Tabirian, B. Park, and B. Zeldovich, “Periodically Aligned Liquid Crystal: Potential application for projection displays, Storming Media Report, A000824 (2004).
- Nelson Tabiryan, Sarik Nersisyan, and C. Martin Stickley, “Energy transfer between laser beams due to recording of optical axis gratings in liquid crystals”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 23, 2113-2120 (2006).
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